I wonder what the JWs are thinking about this push by the Organization to hurry up and get your children baptized the younger the better.
I'm betting that all these things are starting to add up in the minds of the R&F in both the conscious and unconscious parts. I mean they just took all the congregation's money and want pledges to be made for a regular amount sent to them with out saying where all this money's going they are treating them like a bunch of schmucks it is so obvious. And all the child molestation lawsuit cases they are facing more and more being added almost weekly.
So I think a lot of JW parents will start wising up and seeing all this interest the Corporation has in their kid as not a healthy thing and that the Governing Body don't give a shit about your kids welfare as the courts can planly testify and big lawsuit payouts proves it. I'm thinking we are at the threshold of a mass awakening this corporation is over the top and only the very very blind can't see it.